Tuesday, May 4, 2010

why does it have to be so hard...???

not getting noticed is hard for people but what to do when every little thing you do is noticed by the people around you. its so hard because you got to think a lot before saying or doing anything. everything i say gets to the people i care about and problems pop up when they aren't able to get what i really meant. others don't understand what we been through. why did you believe those who didn't know what we shared....?????? 

The one who is destined to rise above everyone else will rise with or without you, not because it doesn't matter to him its because it is in his destiny to rise.
But your fate is upon you. 
The day when he will rise, those who loved him, cared for him, who took his word above anyone else,who was there for him, he will take them along with him.Only they will rise with him,

'The One and The Only

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